
  • Blog,  Capstone

    Science and Fiction in “The Birds” and The Blob Bloom: Lessons Learned from a Potential Toxic Algae Eco-apocalypse

    After trying mountain biking, fishing, skiing, and golfing, my Marine Corps officer, southern Californian dad attempted to get the entire family interested in surfing.  On another early Saturday morning, my parents, brother, and I piled in the car and drove fifteen minutes from our home to Doheny State Beach, a popular spot for beginner surfers and young families in Dana Point, California.  Shortly after he managed to outfit me and my brother into wetsuits, I made a beeline for the tidal pools to explore, swiftly abandoning my ten-foot, bright yellow, foam longboard on the cold sand as my father shouted after me.  I began wandering down the shore, hopping from…
